Tuesday, June 17, 2014

If I could only keep 10.... (SHOES)

Its Shoesday Tuesday! In honor of that (and at some of my readers request) I am doing a post all about shoes! If for some awful reason I could only keep ten of my favorite pairs of shoes these would be it! They are in no particular order :)

These blue, bowed babies are from JustFab. Blue is my favorite color, and as I am sure you've noticed I am a sucker for bows so these were a must!

The magenta shade of these strappy sandals from JustFab is really beautiful and they always look so great paired with like a floral print. They also happen to be very comfortable!

These are some of the sexiest shoes I own (in my opinion). I got these from Charlotte Russe, and I almost didnt get them! I was feeling guilty for having spent so much money that day and put them back and my husband snatched them up and said absolutely no way I was putting them back ;)

This pair is from the new GX line at Shoedazzle. There are so many things that I love about them. Theyre classy but sexy all at once. Timeless yet trendy.

And again with the bows! The maryjane strap of these ruby red Shoedazzle beauties make them pretty easy to walk around in. 

In addition to bows I am also a huge fan of leopard print. But what makes me love these shoes is really the shape/structure if them. Theyre different than your average pump and I really like that. I got them from Debs.

Yes this is the same pair as the very first pair just in black... LOL. Just goes to show how much I really do love these shoes!

This bejeweled pair are the newest addition to my shoe collection but are an instant favorite! You know those sparkley dress up shoes every little girl has? Well these are it for a grown woman!

My minnie mouse shoes! Im not a particular fan of Minnie but these just remind me of her. (Those are spikes tho, not polka dots.) I just love everything about these. The ankle strap, the medium heel height, the peep toe.. These are from Kohls.

These are also relatively new and from Shoedazzle. Theyre one of the few pairs of minimalist sandals I have and of course they have a bow ;) Purple is another one of those colors that I really love.

Thats it! Let me know which pair is your favorite and why!

hugs && heels,


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